The west must not use women's rights to justify war
Iranian women are being coopted into a NATO narrative pointing towards invasion.
A demonstrator dressed as a victim of a stoning execution joins Iranian exiles protesting against the possible stoning of Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani in Iran. Photograph: Getty Images.
Despite an international outcry, Iran seems determined to have Sakineh Mohammadi Ashtiani, 43, stoned to death for adultery. Her plight has become a test case for the global community's response to Iran's barbaric institutional misogyny, and Tehran has responded by thumbing its nose at the rest of the world, including forcing Ashtiani to confess her 'crimes' on television. In Britain, our outrage is unanimous, and rightly so.
It seems curiously inconsistent, then, that just a few weeks ago the Home Office was quite prepared to deport another Iranian woman, Kiana Firouz, to certain execution in her native country for sexual unorthodoxy. Firouz made the film Cul de Sac to raise awareness of the oppression of lesbians in Iran, outing herself very publicly and embarrassing the state in the process: both crimes punishable by death in Iran. Nonetheless, it took a coordinated campaign by LGBT activists and solidarity networks in the UK to shame the Home Office into granting Firouz leave to remain.
Bita Ghaedi, another Iranian woman facing execution for breaking her marriage vows, also escaped to Britain- where she was sent to a holding cell and repeatedly threatened with deportation. Ghaedi has been on several hunger strikes to protest at her treatment, but she still lives in fear of being sent back to Iran. Had the unfortunate Ms Ashtiani been smuggled to the UK, it is fair to assume that she too would currently be detained in Yarl's Wood, subjected to the indignity of pleading for her life with a government whose professed solidarity with Iranian women has not yet overcome its prejudice against immigrants to extend support to the hundreds of women who arrive on these shores fleeing violence every year - all of whom, unlike Ms Ashtiani, we could actually do something materially to help.
State violence against women has long been used to justify military interventionism. The government of Iran is rather unusual in taking it upon itself to employ the executioners, but plenty of states with whom the US and UK have no military disputes currently allow men who feel their women have besmirched their family honour to carry out the killings themselves on the understanding that punishment will be minimal or non-existent.
Article 340 of the Penal Code of Jordan states that "he who discovers his wife or one of his female relatives committing adultery and kills, wounds, or injures one of them, is exempted from any penalty." Similar laws were struck down only very recently in Syria, Morocco and Brazil; in Pakistan, incidences of women and girls being slain by their families for sexual transgressions (including having the gall to be raped) are routinely ignored by police and prosecutors.
Moreover, across the world 68,000 women are effectively condemned to agonising death each year - 5% of them in developed countries - for the crime of wanting sexual and reproductive self-determination in states with sanctions against abortion. There has, as yet, been no systemic global outcry at their plight. And in at least one European country, the defence of 'provocation to murder' - the so-called 'cuckold's defence' - was enshrined in law until just two years ago, allowing husbands to plead for a reduced sentence if the wife they had killed was unfaithful. The country in question was Great Britain. Were the US or UK to launch a systemic offensive against every country brutalising its female citizens because of their sex at the level of policy and culture, it'd be World War Three on Tuesday - and we would have to start by bombing our own cities.
In this context, it could well be construed that there is another, more sinister agenda at play beyond concern for women's rights. Yesterday, Iran told the west to butt out of its right to murder Sakineh Ashtiani, making it clear that this case is now less about the wellbeing of one woman than about moral and militaristic positioning between hostile states. There is clear precedent for this callous ideological long game.
This month, Time magazine published a cover photograph of a young woman, Aisha, whose nose and ears had been cut off by her father-in-law. The cover ran with the unambiguous title "what happens if we leave Afghanistan". However, as Afghan women's rights activist Malalai Joya told France 24, Aisha was attacked under Western occupation, and such atrocities have arguably increased since the 2002 invasion. "Eighteen-year-old Aisha is just an example - cutting ears, noses and toes, torturing and even slaughtering is a norm in Afghanistan," said Joya. "Afghan women, are squashed between three enemies: the Taliban, fundamentalist warlords and troops. Once again, it is moulding the oppression of women into a propaganda tool to gain support and staining their hands with ever-deepening treason against Afghan women."
In March, Wikileaks published a CIA briefing that outlined a strategy to counter growing opposition in Europe to participation in the US-led occupation of Afghanistan. It recommended using a narrative about the oppression of women in the country that highlighted the Taliban's misogynist violence while ignoring that of the pro-occupation warlords and the occupation armies. A similar story is now being disseminated about the plight of women in Iran, and poor Ms Ashtiani has become a tokenistic figure in that absolving narrative.
Instead of the solidarity they deserve, solidarity that might first be extended by treating asylum seekers with something less than contempt, Iranian women are being coopted into a NATO narrative whose trajectory seems to point inexorably towards invasion. That the state of Iran hates and fears women is not up for debate, and if even one person can be saved from fascistic, fundamentalist woman-haters, an international campaign is more than justified. However, if, as seems likely, Iran executes Sakineh Ashtiani anyway, it would be beyond distasteful for NATO governments to cannibalise her corpse as part of the moral groundwork for further bloodshed.